Here at Study Active we recognise the importance of strong partnerships with governing body's, national registers and other professional associations to ensure we continue to provide high quality courses and qualifications that adhere to the standards and regulations of the fitness industry in the UK.
Here are some of our notable partners that you might like to be aware of.

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Active IQ logo Study Active partners with Active IQ because they are one of the UK's leading awarding organisations recognised and regulated by Ofqual within the Active Leisure sector.
CIMSPA logo CIMSPA is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, recognizing Study Active training throughout the UK.
ukactive logo ukactive supports its members by offering services and facilitating partnerships within the UK fitness industry, aiming to improve public health through physical activity.
NRPT logo The National Register of Personal Trainers (NRPT) is a UK-wide directory that promotes Study Active as a training provider for fitness professionals.
PD Approval logo PD Approval is an independent quality assurance service within the fitness education sector, endorsing Study Active for its high standard of service.


If you have any questions at all about our relationship with these organisations, or any of the gyms we also partner with, please get in touch: