Terms and Conditions
1.0 Enrolment and Learning Agreement
1.1 Submission of an enrolment form signifies a learner’s intention to enter into an agreement with Study Active Limited (Study Active) to purchase a place on the course in question.
1.2 Study Active reserves the right to accept or decline enrolments at their discretion.
1.3 If Study Active chooses to decline an enrolment any fees paid by the learner will be refunded.
1.4 Once a learner’s enrolment is confirmed by Study Active, this signifies the start of the agreement.
1.5 As part of this agreement the learner agrees to maintain any agreed payments.
1.6 The learner is also declaring that he/she has disclosed any pertinent information such as personal details and declaration of any disabilities or learning difficulties.
1.7 Where appropriate the learner is also declaring that you have the necessary pre requisites for a course. In such a case you will usually be asked to provide evidence upon enrolment.
1.8 The learner also is confirming that he/she has access to appropriate IT equipment and a gym / fitness equipment as required to successfully complete the course.
1.9 The learner acknowledges that they will need to travel to a Study Active centre (or approved alternative) for assessments and also provide a client to use when taking practical exams (Study Active cannot provide clients for learner's exams).
1.10 Study Active will provide resources, support, assessment methods, quality assurance, certification and any other reasonable duty to ensure the learner has the best chance of success.
1.11 Study Active cannot guarantee success in a qualification once enrolled.
1.12 This agreement will commence immediately upon enrolment and continue until the end of a learner’s study with us.
1.13 Courses are non-transferable to another individual.
1.14 The agreement can only be cancelled by either party in accordance with terms in this document.
2.0 Cancellations and Refunds
2.1 The learner has the right to cancel his/her enrolment and any agreement with us within 14 days of enrolment.
2.2 Any cancellation on a learner’s behalf must be in writing and sent within the 14 day period.
2.3 Once a learner has accessed his/her learning materials the learner waives the right to this cancelation option, even if 14 days have not passed.
2.4 If the learner has not accessed his/her learning materials but 14 days have passed the learner waives his/her right to cancel.
2.5 If the learner cancels inside the 14 day cancelation period he/she shall receive a full refund of any amounts paid.
2.6 If the learner cancels over 14 days from enrolment he/she will receive no refund and shall still be eligible for any amounts owed.
2.7 By continuing past the 14 day cancelation period the learner agrees that he/she is satisfied with the resources that Study Active have provided him/her with to complete the course.
2.8 If a learner enrols of a combined course e.g. Level 2 and Level 3 combined, then the 14 day cancellation referenced above applies only to the start of the first course. There is not a 14 day cancellation right for each course within the package.
2.9 Non participation on a course does not entitle the learner to a refund or extension. The learner is still eligible to pay any fees owed if he/she do not participate on a course, unless the learner cancels within the 14 day cancellation period.
2.10 Partial completion of a course does not entitle a learner to a partial refund. For example if a learner enrols on a level 2 and level 3 combined course then only completes the level 2 part of the course, they cannot claim a refund of the level 3 part.
3.0 Our Cancellation Rights
3.1 Study Active may cancel the agreement if, in the unlikely event and in our opinion, we are unable to provide the training course that the learner has enrolled on. A refund will be made for any monies owing in this case.
3.2 Study Active may suspend or cancel the learning of the learner without any refund, if the learner fail to make any agreed financial payments without prior arrangement.
3.3 If a learner is found to of provided misleading or untrue information on his/her enrolment form Study Active reserves the right to cancel the learner’s enrolment with no refund due.
3.4 Materials are licensed to the learner as an individual. Any distribution of our materials to others will be a breach of agreement in which Study Active reserves the right to cancel the learner’s enrolment with no refund.
4.0 Duration of your course
4.1 The learner has 12 months to complete each course enrolled on, unless otherwise specified.
4.2 The learner may apply, in writing, for an extension if factors beyond his/her control (e.g. medical) prevent him/her from completing within the agreed time frame.
4.3 In the event of the above Study Active reserves the right to ask for proof (e.g. medical letter).
4.4 Study Active will consider all requests for extensions but are under no obligation to grant them.
4.5 Extension fees will apply to any extension granted.
5.0 Assessments
5.1 It is the responsibility of the learner to complete their assessments within the duration of the course. This includes coursework, practical and theory examinations as appropriate.
5.2 It is the learner’s responsibility to seek the support of Study Active staff in supporting the assessment process.
5.3 Learners must show photograph identification when taking assessments. This should be shown to the assessor upon request on the days of the exam.
5.4 Failure to show identification may lead to a learner being unable to take an exam or results being withheld until appropriate identification is confirmed.
5.5 If a learner fails to pass an assessment they will be allowed subsequent attempts at Study Active discretion
5.6 If there is a practical assessment involved, it is the learner responsibility to source a suitable volunteer to be their “client” on the day of the assessment.
6.0 Certification
6.1 The learner will only receive his/her certificate once he/she has successfully completed all assessments.
6.2 Any balance owing by the learner to Study Active must be cleared before a learner’s certificate can be issued.
6.3 The learner’s certificate will usually be issued within a four week period however this process may on occasions take longer following compulsory quality assurance activity
6.4 The learner’s certificate is issued by relevant awarding body on behalf of the training provider (Study Active).
6.5 On occasions Study Active may deliver learning in partnership with a third party organisation who would in such cases act as the training provider or delivery partner.
6.6 Study Active cannot be held responsible for lost certificates.
6.7 In the event of a certificate being lost the learner may request a replacement certificate however a nominal fee will apply.

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