Eating Eggs Before and After a Workout (Pros and Cons)

Article by Jemma Walsh, Blog Editor for Study Active. 

Disclaimer - This blog is research based only and should not stand as nutritional advice. Please contact a healthcare professional or nutritionist for your specific dietary needs. 

There are all sorts of healthy foods that can aid with muscle growth and exercise performance, something at Study Active our trainers are regularly asked about, so today we are doing a deep dive into the pros and cons of one of our favourites, eggs! In the realm of fitness and nutrition, eggs have secured a prime position as a staple muscle-building food. The timing of nutrient intake, especially protein-rich sources like eggs, can significantly impact workout performance and muscle growth. In this blog we'll research the pros and cons of consuming eggs before and after a workout, discussing the potential benefits including weight loss, muscle repair and muscle recovery. 

The Nutritional Marvel of Eggs

Before delving into the intricacies of pre- and post-workout consumption, let's first grasp the nutritional treasure trove that eggs represent! Packed with high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, eggs provide a well-rounded array of nutrients crucial for overall health and muscle development. So, does eating eggs before workout impact our performance and where do we stand on eggs post workout too?

Pros and Cons of Eggs Before Workout


  • Protein Punch: Eggs serve as a powerhouse of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. This protein profile is ideal for fueling the body with the building blocks necessary for muscle repair and growth. 
  • Leucine Boost: Leucine, a key amino acid for muscle protein synthesis, is found abundantly in eggs. Consuming eggs before a workout ensures a leucine boost, optimizing the body's ability to initiate muscle-building processes. 
  • Sustained Energy Release: The combination of protein and healthy fats in eggs provides a steady release of energy. This sustained energy is particularly beneficial for endurance during workouts, helping to stave off fatigue. 


  • Digestive Considerations: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort when consuming solid foods, such as eggs, shortly before exercising. It's essential to gauge personal tolerance levels and adjust the timing of egg consumption accordingly. 
  • Individual Variability: Pre-workout nutrition responses can vary among individuals based on factors like metabolism and the nature of the exercise routine. What works optimally for one person may not suit another. 

So, what about the research? A study published in the "Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport" demonstrated that ingesting protein, such as eating eggs before workout, approximately 30 minutes before resistance exercise significantly increased muscle protein synthesis compared to a placebo group. It is important to remember that everybody is different, and digestion can take different amounts of time from person to person so make sure to listen to your body and experiment with how long prior to exercise you can consume a snack to help benefit rather than hinder your performance. Another study featured in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" highlighted the importance of leucine-rich foods like eggs in stimulating muscle protein synthesis when consumed before a workout. The pros of eating eggs before workout mean that not only can eggs help assist in fueling your body, but they can also enhance muscle building and provide a steady release of energy allowing you to maintain workouts for longer (this is a winner in our books!)  

Pros and Cons of Eggs After a Workout


  • Muscle Repair and Recovery: Post-workout, the body craves nutrients for muscle repair and recovery. Eggs, with their rich amino acid profile, provide the essential building blocks required for these processes. There are many other great foods for muscle recovery you can discover in our blog here. 
  • Glycogen Replenishment: While eggs are not a primary source of carbohydrates, they can complement a post-workout meal that includes complex carbohydrates, aiding in the replenishment of glycogen stores. 
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Eggs contain nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, contributing to their anti-inflammatory properties. This can be beneficial in reducing exercise-induced inflammation and supporting overall recovery.  


  • Digestion Speed: Eggs are not rapidly digested, which might be a concern for those seeking quick nutrient absorption after a workout. Combining eggs with faster-digesting sources can address this issue. 
  • Dietary Preferences: Individual dietary restrictions or preferences may limit egg consumption. In such cases, alternative protein sources should be considered to meet post-workout nutritional needs. 

Much like eating eggs before workout, eating eggs post workout can be equally beneficial! A study in the "Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition" emphasised the importance of post-exercise protein intake, indicating that a protein-rich meal, including eggs, within the first two hours after exercise enhances muscle protein synthesis. Another article in the "European Journal of Applied Physiology" published a study emphasising nutrient timing, showing that consuming a protein-rich meal, such as eggs post workout, led to increased muscle protein synthesis compared to delayed intake. Although this again depends on your digestion and dietary preferences, if you can eat eggs after workout as part of a meal or small snack it can help to stimulate muscle repair and recovery.  

Eggs After Workout for Weight Loss

For those looking to lose some weight and considering eggs as part of a diet, we have good news for you! Incorporating eggs after workout for weight loss can be beneficial too! Again, eggs make a great protein rich meal or are also great boiled for a snack too! There are three main reasons to eat eggs after workout for weight loss, these are: 

  • Satiety and Weight Management: The high protein content in eggs contributes to increased feelings of satiety, potentially reducing overall calorie intake throughout the day. This can be beneficial for weight loss or weight maintenance goals.  
  • Metabolic Boost: Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates, meaning the body expends more energy digesting and metabolizing protein. This can contribute to an increased metabolic rate, aiding in weight loss efforts. 
  • Lean Muscle Preservation: A protein-rich diet, including eggs after a workout, supports the preservation of lean muscle mass. This is crucial during weight loss, as it helps ensure that most weight lost comes from fat, not muscle.  

Summary of the Pros and Cons of Eating Eggs Pre and Post Workout

Overall, we think eggs are a great part of the diet, they are a healthy, protein rich food which can fuel muscle growth, enhance performance, leave you feeling full and satisfied as well as contributing to your overall well-being. Of course, personal preferences, digestive tolerances, and specific fitness goals should guide the decision as to whether you include eggs in your workout routine however, we overall think that eating eggs before a workout and eating eggs post workout is a healthy and proven positive choice! If eggs aren’t for you or you want to mix it up, there are many other nutritionally beneficial snacks that are great for pre and post workout, read the blog here. 

As with any dietary considerations, consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist is advisable, especially for those with specific health concerns or dietary restrictions.  Experimentation with timing and observing individual responses can help tailor egg consumption to suit individual needs, bringing the benefits of this nutrient-dense food to the forefront of your fitness journey. If you are interested more in nutrition and healthy eating, then make sure to check out our Active IQ L2 Nutrition course which is our introductory course in nutrition.  


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