Fitness and Personal
Training Education

How to create a home gym
Jemma Walsh

How to create a home gym

Whilst a gym membership has long been seen as the standard action to take in order to get fit, since the pandemic (when gyms closed) the concept of a home gym has become more and more popular. This...
e-learningfitness traininggymgym workworkout
Boxercise with Andy Wake
Jemma Walsh

Boxercise with Andy Wake

Study Active are delighted to be partnering with the nationally established fitness company Boxercise. Boxercise, who have been operating since way back in 1992, specialise in providing an exercise...
fitnessfitness trainingpersonal trainingPT career
Keto and Exercise: Weight Training and Cardio on a Keto Diet
Jemma Walsh

Keto and Exercise: Weight Training and Cardio on a Keto Diet

Article by Jemma Walsh, Blog Editor for Study Active.  Disclaimer – this article will explore the concept of dieting and exercising by collating views of those that advocate this. The content of th...
dietfitness trainingnutritionweight-training
Why Electrolytes Are Important for Your Gym Workout
Jemma Walsh

Why Electrolytes Are Important for Your Gym Workout

 Article by Jemma Walsh, Blog Editor for Study Active.    Disclaimer – this article will explore the concept of taking electrolytes supplements and their importance when working out. The article's ...
fitness traininggymnutritionworkout
A Guide to Interval Training
Hannah Groves

A Guide to Interval Training

(Article by Hannah Groves with Katie Brick) Hannah Groves and Personal Trainer/Study Active Tutor Katie Brick are here to tell you everything you need to know about interval training and how you’ll...
exercisesfitnessfitness traininginterval runningpersonal trainingworkout
What is the best pre workout meal?
Hannah Groves

What is the best pre workout meal?

A common question asked by clients to Personal Trainers is what should be eaten prior to a workout as good nutrition can help people perform better and recover faster after each workout. Whilst the answer depends on the clients goals Hannah Groves asked Personal Trainer and Study Active Assessor Heather Walker how she would approach the question of ‘what is the best pre workout meal and what advice she would give.

fitness trainingfunctional strength trainingfunctional traininghypertrophymusclenutritionresistance trainingweight-training
HIIT Workout – A Training Guide
Hannah Groves

HIIT Workout – A Training Guide

(Article by Hannah Groves with Kelly O’regan) A common misperception that many fitness enthusiasts have about exercise is that it is necessary to spend hours working out to get results. Nothing cou...
exercisesfitnessfitness trainingfunctional trainingmuscular endurancesquatsweight-trainingworkout
Muscular Endurance for Sports
Kari Fry

Muscular Endurance for Sports

Article by Kari Fry with Kelly Pegler and James Luscombe For athletes and those engaging in sports, muscular endurance can be an important factor to consider when looking to improve your performanc...
fitnessfitness traininggymmusclemuscular endurancerunningweight-trainingworkout
A Guide to Interval Running
Kari Fry

A Guide to Interval Running

(Article by Kari Fry with Kelly O’Regan) Running can be a great form of exercise and mixing up the type of runs you do can be to your advantage. One of the ways to do this is to incorporate interva...
exercisesfitnessfitness traininginterval runningrunning
Functional Strength Training
Kari Fry

Functional Strength Training

Article by Kari Fry with Hannah Groves We use our bodies every day in a myriad of ways, such as lifting and carrying, bending, sitting, and stretching. But how often do we think about those muscles...
exercisesfitnessfitness trainingfunctional strength trainingfunctional traininggym
How to Improve Your Deadlift
Kari Fry

How to Improve Your Deadlift

(Article by Kari Fry with Katie Brick) Not an exercise for everyone, but for many, the deadlift is a favourite and challenging part of a workout routine. The deadlift is a complex move, so it is im...
deadliftexercisesfitnessfitness traininggym workmuscleweight-training
Resistance Training Exercises
Kari Fry

Resistance Training Exercises

(Article by Kari Fry with Heather Walker) Resistance training is a popular form of exercise, providing a number of benefits as well as increasing muscular strength and endurance. We spoke to Person...
fitnessfitness trainingmuscleresistance training